Sunday, May 12, 2013

Top Ten Reasons to Attend Karate Gasshuku 2013

Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Attend the Gasshuku:

  1. You will learn a lot
  2. More Bunkai than brain or brawn           
  3. Up to 3 months of training
  4. Up to 6 months of knowledge
  5. Learn new, cool techniques
  6. Train with like-minded people
  7. Only happens once a year
  8. More stuff than you will remember
  9. Special surprise
  10. Can you say, "too cool"?
I know I can come up with more....can you?  If so,
send them to me. I may put them on the list or on a future 
gasshuku T-shirt.
But hurry, spots will fill up soon.  You can register at:

For more information about our Colorado Springs Martial Arts program or our Kids Karate classes in Colorado Springs and in Monument, please visit our website at  

Don't forget to check out our Kickboxing classes in Colorado Springs and Monument.

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