What do you think UNSTOPPABLE means? What does it mean to you specifically? Here is one way you can be UNSTOPPABLE. Always have an “I Can” Attitude!
How many of you remember the story about The Little Engine that Could? Most of us, at some point, have heard that story.
In essence, the Little Blue Engine wanted to help get the toys and food over the mountain. She wasn’t sure if she could do it but she gave it her best shot! She constantly repeated “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. Finally, the Little Blue Engine dug deep down and tried with everything she had and finally made it over. She was very proud of herself and her “I think I can” changed to “I thought I could”.
Have you ever been in a situation where you weren’t sure if you would be able to do something? Did you give up? If you gave up, how did you feel afterwards? Did you do like the “Little Engine that Could” and tell yourself over and over again that you could do it? How did you feel after you did it?