Monday, September 29, 2014

The Skinny on Snacking

Do you snack right? Or is your snacking adding unwanted pounds?

You’ve heard that snacking is good for your metabolism. It's something that we read about and hear fitness experts encourage the public to do.

We all want to be fit, lean, and healthy so we snack away.

In fact, recent surveys report that 65% of adults eat two snacks each day. If these were wholesome snacks then logic would dictate that 65% of adults should be lean and healthy.

If only all snacking was good for you!
The unfortunate truth is that most snacking will only add pounds and inches to your waistline. Snacking on all the wrong things can lead to a very frustrating weight gain cycle.

Here are the 2 Skinny Snacking Rules that you need to snack smart, to rev up your metabolism, and to get lean fast:

Skinny Snacking Rule #1: Avoid snacks that are high in carbohydrates and simple sugars.

Most simple, quick snack foods are filled with grains, refined sugars, and simple carbohydrates. These are packaged goods, crackers, chips, and granola bars. Quick and crunchy snacks like these will quickly add inches where you only want to lose them.

Your smart snack should be very low in carbohydrates, simple sugars, and grains.

Skinny Snacking Rule #2: Eat snacks that are high in protein and healthy fiber.

This may sound difficult, but it's really not. Once you get into the habit of eating protein and fiber for your snacks it will become second nature.

Here are some awesomely fit snack ideas: homemade veggie meatballs, albacore tuna with apple slices, chicken salad, Ham, Almond Butter and Apple Wraps (see recipe below), hard-boiled eggs, egg muffins, or salad with a handful of roasted chicken or turkey on it.

If you must have your baked goods, then seek out recipes that are made with almond flour or coconut flour, which is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates and simple sugars.

Cutting out bad snacking (those carbohydrate and sugar-filled snacks) will change your body quickly. This change, along with replacing sugar-filled beverages with water, is the number one way that you can immediately begin to lose inches and get lean.

Once you've gotten into the habit of smart snacking all that's left is to begin a consistent, challenging exercise program that will get you burning calories, building muscle, and taking your metabolism to the next level. I'm here to help you do just that.

I could talk about the benefits of exercise until I am blue in the face, but you and I know that it really comes down to a feeling. The amazing way that you feel when you’re fit.

Call or email today and let's get you back to feeling your best.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

5 Meals Ready in 5 Minutes

To get you on the fast track to quick, healthy eating here are 5 healthy meals that take only 5 minutes to prepare:

Fast Meal #1: Traditional pancakes are filled with carbs, grains and a plethora of simple sugars – not something you'd consider healthy. In fact, eat pancakes regularly and you'll find your fitness results quickly disappear. However, this simple, wholesome, 3-ingredient pancake recipe is the exception. It's a pancake that you're able to enjoy without guilt.

3-Ingredient Pancakes
Here's what you need:
  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 Tablespoons almond butter
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract or ground cinnamon *optional
  1. Mash the bananas in a bowl (or blend in a food processor). Add the eggs, almond butter and flavor additions. Mix until smooth.
  2. Preheat a griddle or skillet. Lightly grease with coconut oil. Pour the batter in ¼ cup scoops.
  3. Once you see bubbles form, flip and cook the other side until golden.
  4. Serve with fresh fruit.
Fast Meal #2: Tuna is a wonderful fish that's packed with muscle-building protein. However, most tuna salad recipes drowned out the benefits with a boatload of calorie-packed mayonnaise. Here's a refreshing tuna salad recipe that, in addition to being quick to prepare, avoids the trap of high-calorie dressing.

Quick Tuna Salad
Here's what you need:
  • 1 green apple, chopped
  • 2 green onions, tops only, chopped
  • ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 2 cans albacore tuna, in drained
  • 1 Tablespoon dijon mustard
  • ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
  • ¼ cup red grapes, halved
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  1. Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl and serve immediately. I like to serve this salad in large butter lettuce leaves, or scooped onto avocado halves.
Fast Meal #3: Yogurt has often been advertized as a healthy, guilt-free snack or meal replacement. This always bothers me because I know just how many simple carbs and sugars most flavored yogurts contain. Many people are deceived into thinking that the creamy, fruit flavored snack will help them lose fat, while it does just the opposite. Here's a recipe for a creamy, fruit flavored snack that is actually packed with protein and free of fattening sugars.

Creamy Protein Mousse
Here's what you need:
  • 1 cup chopped fruit
  • 1 (13.5oz) can coconut milk, full fat (chilled in the fridge overnight)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 frozen bananas, peeled
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • ¼ teaspoon almond extract
  • ½ cup stevia-sweetened vanilla protein powder
1) Chill the can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight. Do NOT shake the can up at all! Carefully turn the can over and open from the bottom. Drain out the liquid and scoop the white cream into a food processor. Discard the liquid.

2) Throw all of the ingredients into a food processor. Blend on high until creamy. Enjoy chilled.

Fast Meal #4: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and not only because it's the meal that breaks your overnight fast. What you decide to eat for breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your food decisions for the day. A donut or breakfast sandwich grabbed from a drive thru will set you up to eat junk for the rest of the day. On the other hand, a wholesome, nutritious breakfast will get you geared up to eat good-for-you foods all day long. This quick breakfast recipe is packed with amazing, natural flavor as well as protein-filled eggs to power your day.

Zucchini Egg Scramble
Here's what you need:
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 zucchini, thinly sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons green onion, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons chives, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
  • 2 organic eggs
  1. In a small skillet place the olive oil over medium heat. Add the zucchini, green onion, chives and rosemary. Cook until the zucchini is lightly browned on both sides.
  2. Crack the eggs into the skillet and continue to cook, mixing, until the eggs are set. Remove from heat and enjoy immediately.
Fast Meal #5: I've saved the best for last, in this list of 5 Fast Meals. There was a time when most people would turn their nose up at the idea of a salad being a meal, but times are changing, and we are now more aware than ever how traditional meals are too heavy and lead to obesity. I'd like you to consider a ‘Everything Salad' to be the perfect, quick and guilt-free meal. Sure, there are plenty of ways to take a salad and make it fattening, but that's not what we want to do. By taking a big bowl of fresh greens and topping it with lean protein, colorful veggies and a light, homemade dressing – you've got yourself the perfect meal!

Everything Salad
Here's what you need:
  • Dark leafy greens (spinach, arugula, kale)
  • Lean protein (chicken, turkey, lamb, hard boiled egg)
  • Colorful veggies, chopped (bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini)
  • Fresh Herbs (basil, rosemary, oregano, mint)
  • Homemade dressing (see recipe below)
  1. Raid your fridge for fresh, organic produce and lean, cooked protein. Add in some fresh veggies and chopped herbs and mix together with a simple, homemade dressing. There you have it, the perfect meal!
While eating healthy, nutritious meals is awesome, don't forget that exercise is half of the battle when it comes to getting and staying fit. Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body once and for all!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Teddy Bear Days

Come join us at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo on their Teddy Bear Days, on August 23-24th. The United States Karate Academy will have a booth there. The event is for ages 3 to11, but all everyone loves the zoo. Children ages 3 to 11 can bring their Teddy Bear (or other stuffed animal) and can get into the zoo for only $5.25 (Zoo members and children ages 2 and under are always free.)

You can stop by the Teddy Bear Clinic for a free stuffed animal “health check up.” This program is to help children feel more at ease with their own visits to the doctor. See the Zoo web site for more information at
And we will have our Kung-Fu Panda there, so come and visit our booth for lots of fun for the whole family. Invite your friends to get in on our Back-To-School Special in karate and kickboxing. We can also use volunteers at our booth, especially children and teens who would like to do some karate demonstrations at our booth for the public. Please let you instructor know if you would like to volunteer.
Visit our website

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

5 Myths About the Gasshuku

5 Myths About the Gasshuku

1. I am going to get promoted just for showing up. This is the biggest myth of the Karate Gasshuku. Some people think that just because you come to the gasshuku you will get promoted. This is not the case. Although some people have been promoted at the gasshuku, this is not a guarantee. If you come to the gasshuku and work hard, there may be an opportunity for you to earn stripes and/or possibly get promoted…but you have to EARN IT! If you want to get promoted….earn it.

2. I am not going to learn anything new. Only if you choose not to. If you have an open mind you will always learn something new. I guarantee that I can show you the same thing ten times and you can learn ten different things…but will you? We have a saying, “Open Mind, Joyful Training”. Look for new…it will appear.

3. I am too young for the gasshuku. That depends! If you are in one of the regular karate classes then you are not too young. I think the youngest participant we’ve ever had was 6 years old, but they were in our regular karate program. If you are a Knee-High Samurai, then yes, perhaps you need to wait till next year.

4. I am too old for the gasshuku. You may be. Our oldest participant was Mr. Arturo Domingo (may he rest in peace). He was in his seventies as was Mrs. Domingo who came year after year. So, you are only as old as you feel. So let me ask you…are you too old?

5. I’ll never get to practice what I learned at the gasshuku. That’s up to you. Once you learn something, you can practice it as much as you want. You can go back to your dojo and practice with all the people that attended the gasshuku. This will keep your skills sharp and keep your skills at their highest level.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Thought of the Week

If you become discouraged, think of Helen Keller, who, though she was deaf and blind, inspired her more fortunate contemporaries through her books.

The life of Helen Keller is an outstanding example of the triumph of the human spirit over a physical handicap. Even today, decades after her death, her life stands as a beacon of hope for those who must constantly struggle just to perform routine tasks that most of us take for granted. Whenever you feel fate has been unkind to you, all you must do is look around you and you will begin to appreciate how fortunate you are. Make sure your life’s plan includes giving something back to the community without expecting anything in return. Giving time and effort, not just money, reinforces your connections to your community, provides you with concrete proof of the effectiveness of deliberate action, and reminds you of the inspiring power of determination in human endeavor.